Carter's Castle
Module Quizzes, Flowcharts and Real Code Demos

MOD2 - Quizzes and Project Solutions

Objectives: In module 2 you are learning about the recommended flowcharting tools used in planning computer programs. Use the demos and quizzes to test your skill as you develop the skills needed to write computer programs.

Quiz Selection

Pre-test MOD2

Post-test MOD2

A Sample Solution for Ocean Levels - Using Raptor

Part I - Starting A Project

Raptor Problem Demonstration

Starting Out With C++, Tony Gaddis, Chapter 2 - Ocean Levels

Objectives: As a beginning program to write I pulled this problem out of the C++ book but it can easily be used as a program for our Flow Charting class. See if you can look this one over and write your own solution. I will add my suggestions below.

Assuming the ocean's level is currently rising at about 1.5 millimeters per year, write a program  that display

If this is your first problem to attempt you might want to review the solution videos first and then make your attempt after you have an idea about the requirements. The end result should be you having a Raptor solution that runs just like the demo.


A Sample Solution for Ocean Levels - Using Raptor

Part I - Analyze The Project

Part II - Output Design


Part III - IPO Chart & Flowchart using Raptor



Solution using Flowgorithm

Part IV - Demo using Flowgorithm

(underconstructions: add video here when ready)

No quiz for this section.


Solutions Demonstrated with Real Code


Real C++ Code - Ocean Levels

Real JAVA Code - Ocean Levels

Feedback for MOD2

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