MOD4 - Quizzes and Project Solutions

Objectives: In module 4 you are learning about the required tools used in designing computer programs. Use the demos and quizzes to test your skill as you develop the skills needed to write computer programs.

Quiz Selection

Pre-test MOD4

  • Testing your basic knowledge of flowcharting tools before getting started might be a good idea. Notice that this test might be considered a bit more informational about your skills rather than a knowledge test.
  • (click here to take the PreTest quiz)

Post-test MOD4

  • After taking a look at the material below you will want to test your knowledge of flowcharting tools. Notice that this test might be considered a bit more informational about your skills rather than a knowledge test.
  • (click here to take the PostTest quiz)

Paint Job Estimator - Another Example Using Modular Techniques

Paint Job Estimator is a Programming Exercise that will demonstrate the major parts of a programming project and add modules to keep things focused. There will be input, processing and output modules setup. Continue to use design tools and you should be getting into habits that will make you a better programmer.

Paint Job Part 1 (looking over the project)

alternative accessible content

Paint Job Part 2 (starting the docs)

alternative accessible content

Paint Job Part 3 (using Raptor)

alternative accessible content

Paint Job Part 4 (using Flowgorithm)

alternative accessible content



Feedback for MOD4

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You will also be letting me know what you think when you take my Pre-test or Post_test. Just make sure you enter your email address and click the button (Email Score).