PDD - Lab Assignment 2
How to Navigate Flowcharts - Present Value
Page 1 talkes about an assignment from our textbook that is described in Chapter 2. The project title is Present Value.
Objectives: Take a project flowchart design and learn the basics on how to flow through the diagram with the assistance of the Flowgorithm tool. Flowgorith is a tool that can show the image in color using the flowchart mode plus run as an actual computer program. This is similar to Raptor but with the color added.
The Present Value documents as presented by author Tony Gaddis are as follows:
Output Specs
Note: The Program Output can be called Output Specs, Program Expectations or simply Program Output. I like to call this the Output Specs. You can always show this with any text editing software. NotePad works fine. You can use MS Word or if you want to get fancy you can use the math features of MS Excel. Just show what you want the program to show.
Note: This flowchart is not complete for Flowgorithm. You must declare variables for Flowgorithm. For Raptor it would be OK.
This video was recorded to give you a demo of the problem solution in motion which runs in less than 10 minutes. If you can start this project and complete it during the time the video runs you must be doing very well with your preparation. If you are having trouble keeping up you might want to come to one of Carter's Tutor Sessions to work on both speed and understanding. Remember the video is not in full detail and simple suggest how to proceed. There is a way to get help.
YouTube Video by G.Carter
(note: you should watch this video in Full Screen Mode. The text is small.)
The music used is free from YouTube:
Music Used in Video: |
After you finish the video you should be able to determine if you can enter and run a Flowgorithm program. If you get stuck you should plan to visit one of Carter's Tutor Sessions.
Take the quiz on the next page to let Mr. Carter know how you are doing. It should allow you to email him the results.