Sample Solution (C++ and JAVA)
View this page after giving the project your best effort.
This section will identify docs that show the development of our solution. When you are working through any project you will need to consider things like variable names, how to show results, logic for coming up with your result and then get down to writing code that will tell the computer exactly what to do.
Output Specs
![Output Specs](LandCalculation_OutputSpecs.jpg)
Program Analysis WS
Top Half
![Program Analysis WS](LandCalculation_ProgramAnalWS_Top.jpg)
Bottom Half
![Program Analysis WS](LandCalculation_ProgramAnalWS_Bottom.jpg)
Flowchart Clip
![Flowgorithm Flowchart](LandCalculation_FlowgorithmFlowChart.jpg)
Pseudo Code
// The Land Calculation Program
// PDD Chapter 2 Programming Exercise
// Check the Gaddis Book
Declare Real numSquareFeet
Declare Real acres
Display "Enter the square feet in a tract of land:"
Input numSquareFeet
Set acres = numSquareFeet / 43560
Display "The number of acres in the tract are:"
Display acres
Author's Flowchart
Author's Pseudo Code
C++ Code
![CPP Code](LandCalculation_CPP.jpg)
![Land Calculation - JAVA](LandCalculation_JAVA.jpg)