MOD3 - Designing A Program

MOD3 - Objectives

Check How Ready You Are

This section is usually from a Chapter 2 textbook content section. Take a look at the study helps and quiz to see if you need to spend some time here. If you are not an experienced programmer you may find some items you should spend extra time studying. Once you feel you have mastered this section you should be ready for our next topic of Modules. Modular programming is one of my favorite topics. 

Link: Chapter 2 Review

If you are really energetic you might want to try this quiz.

Link: Chapter 2 Quiz


Two Steps To Design

1) Understand the program

2) Determine steps to perform the task


Tools for Design

Print Chart (Output Specs)

Program Analysis W/S (IPO Chart)


Flowchart (Raptor)


Solutions Demonstrated with Real Code

C++ - DisplayAge

JAVA - DisplayAge

Feedback for MOD3

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